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Chaves and Vila Real, Portugal
CAA English is a private language school in the north of Portugal specialized in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language/TEFL. This blog has been created for us at CAA English to share our news, and for our students and teachers to share their work online. We welcome our followers to give suggestions and to comment. Thanks for your visit.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Riddlesworth - Week 2

Hello again.

On Tuesday we went swimming but unfortunately the waves were not working but the flume was. In the evening we had Casino night. Some of the games were blackjack, poker, roulette and throwing the penny. Games were played with Select English pounds and then they could be exchanged for sweets, crisps or drinks.

On Wednesday we went to Norwich - 45 minutes by coach but this time I was lucky not to go on the singing girls' coach. In Norwich we first visited the Cathedral

and then we went to Market square where students had the opportunity for some more shopping. In the evening we had the table tennis tournament and Luis and Goncalo made it to the semifinals. Goncalo lost in the finals to Alberto (Spanish).

So long for now.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Riddlesworth - Weekend edition

Covent Garden Market

Covent Garden Market

Hello again.

Yesterday we went to London and we went to Hard Rock Cafe where students went wild. We then went to Covent Garden. Shopping!!

Today we went to Cambridge. It was a nice day. The first thing we did was go punting. Michael, Nuno, John and Gonçalo were on my boat and Jason of course. They all tried punting, except for Jason. They were all able to punt well, with the exception of Michael. Sorry, Mike!! You know it's true.

Peter was the only one that fell in the river. There's always one.

After punting, more shopping!! The girls bought trainers (all stars) and posters.
It was a fun day and the shopkeepers in Cambridge were very thankful.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Zayra Reporting from Barcelona, Spain

Hello from Barcelona, everyone!

DELTA Full-time course 2010 at IH Barcelona
July 5—August 27, 2010

Boiling in Barcelona.

It's been sticky, sticky here in BCN. Two showers a day don't seem enough!
I'm staying at Pueblo Sec, a very international "barrio", with ethnic bars and restaurants. There are many Latinos, Bangladeshi, Turks, etc...

My apt- building is from 1910 and has some interesting designs which have been preserved; luckily the apt. I'm in has been renovated.

I'm 1-minute away from Parc Montjuic,

which is home to beautiful gardens, a castle, some of the best museums in the world (Miró and Catalán Art), the Olympic stadium and other facilities used in 1992,

the best being this pool where you swim with the skies.

See Kylie Minogue's video Slow, which was filmed here.

It also has amazing water fountain shows at night next to Plaza Espanha. Well worth the visit and packed with tourists!

Unfortunately, the Catalans love their dogs, but don't obey this sign very often so walking around the neighborhood can become an obstacle course. Yuck!

Plans for today: take the montjuic funicular up to the castle to see the view of the city., study, study!

That's all for today, folks.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 5 Part 2

Mario E. ate 16 baked beans using a toothpick but unfortunately he lost to the Italian star - Maxwell - who ate a grand total of 28!!!! I don't envy Pedro S. and Nuno who share the room with him.

The results of the Olympic games are:

Rita L and Simon were 4th and 2nd respectively in the throwing the Welly competition. They were not used to the windy conditions or so they say.

Gonçalo,(always Gonçalo!), probably broke the Riddlesworth record in the number of sausages eaten at the barbecue. Teachers lost count.

Hopefully he will be fine for the trip to London tomorrow.

Yuri reporting from Riddlesworth.

Riddlesworth Day 5

Yuri reporting from Riddlesworth.

Hello again from cloudy and windy England.

A star is born. Goncalo Madureira not only won the football World Cup but also the Wimbledon Tournament held yesterday. In the final Goncalo defeated Martin a Polish student 6-1. His prize was a delicious packet of Gummy Bears.

Today is the big day - The Olympic Games are held today and to celebrate the records that will definitely be broken we will have a typical English Barbecue of hamburgers and hot dogs.

I'll have news about the results tomorrow if you happen to miss it on CNN with Larry King!

This weekend will be shopping weekend. On Saturday we're going to London and we'll try to go to Hard Rock Cafe. We've got to get those T-shirts!

On Sunday we're going to Cambridge where we'll go punting ...

Watch out for students punting!!!

...and shopping!!!


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Riddlesworth Day 3 - The Adventure Continues

Yuri reporting from Riddlesworth, Norwich, UK

Hello again.

Today we went to Pleasurewood Hills - a Theme Park. It was great fun, especially the Wipeout, a fast rollercoaster. I didn't have the courage to go but most students were a lot braver than me. They also went on a rollercoaster where you get completely wet which didn't really matter since we were already wet from the rain.

One small problem - some students became addicted to the machines where you put a 10p coin and it pushes other coins. Sometimes you make some money but of course you usually lose.

Another favourite was the "World's Largest bubble gum". Many students bought several of them. It's over 1 metre long. I don't think you're supposed to put the whole thing in your mouth at once.

This evening we are playing rounders which is basically like baseball. That should be fun!

A note on Rounders:

Played in England as long ago as the 16th Century, Rounders was a popular pastime. A version of Rounders is still played by folks in the U.K and Ireland. By the 19th Century in America, the game had undergone many changes, and was commonly called Townball. Today we play still another variant called Baseball.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Riddlesworth Day 2 - The Adventure Continues

Today students had the World Cup

and Goncalo Madureira's class was the grand winner. Peter Sousa, Nuno Calejo and Ines Costa (the Portuguese Casillas)

came in second. John Sampaio was also one of the stars. He scored (according to him)three goals. That has to be confirmed.

The results of Monday Madness were also announced today and Rita Lage, Catarina Souto, Mario Esteves and Rita Teixeira's group was the winner. Here are some of the extremely challenging games they had to do: dropping an egg in a parachute, making a tower of marshmallows and pasta...:))

One final note: Goncalo discovered a new flavour of Pringles - toothpaste flavour.

It will probably be a bestseller.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Hello from Riddlesworth

Here we are in Riddlesworth, Norwich (UK). What happened to sunny Sunday? It turned into rainy Monday. I am here with 20 of our students from Chaves and Vila Real (Portugal) and my younger son, Jason.

There are also students from Spain, Italy, Croatia, Turkey, Poland among others.

Today--Monday,12 July, the students were tested to see their levels and they're having their first lesson. After the lesson, we are all playing cricket - in the rain - and then there's a welcome party.

Keep checking for more news and photos. That's all for now. Yuri

Princess Diana attended Primary School here!

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Summer Course in England

Coming next for our CAA team are the 2 week summer courses in England. Yuri, our Director in Vila Real and wife, Helen,a Senior Teacher in Vila Real will be taking a large group of students from both our schools in Chaves and Vila Real to London, Cambridge and Riddlesworth next Sunday,11 July.

This time, their younger son, Jason, will be going along for his first visit to England.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

DELTA Course at International House, Barcelona

Time is near. Zayra will be leaving for Barcelona this Saturday, 3 July for her DELTA course starting on Monday, 5 July. She will be there for 2 whole months. A very intensive course.

"About the Diploma (DELTA Course)
The Cambridge Diploma (DELTA) is the most prestigious and widely recognised British qualification in English Language Teaching. It is intended for candidates who have substantial experience of teaching English either in the UK or abroad.

A number of UK universities are now offering credits and/or exemptions on their MA and other courses for those who have obtained their DELTA." (IH Barcelona)

Good luck, Zayra.