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Chaves and Vila Real, Portugal
CAA English is a private language school in the north of Portugal specialized in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language/TEFL. This blog has been created for us at CAA English to share our news, and for our students and teachers to share their work online. We welcome our followers to give suggestions and to comment. Thanks for your visit.

Friday, December 16, 2011


The days before the trip to Cambridge  in July we were a little nervous because this trip had been a dream for us since we were teenagers. Cambridge is one the oldest University towns in Europe. So the buildings are quite old. But the population is very young and from around the world.

The weather wasn't nice, it was cold and humid, but we enjoyed ourselves. Our Hotel «Crown Plaza » was very good and very nice. Everything was beautiful. We stayed for one week.

Singing Portuguese songs while punting
«The Portuguese Group » was noisy but fantastic. We learned about typical English life, we studied, we walked and had a lot of fun. We went to a concert in a church and it was a surprise for us because in Portugal it is not common to use the churches to give concerts and to have tea and coffee, and eat cakes.

 Our biggest fear was the food, but it was another good surprise. English food is really delicious .We ate «Fish and chips », a typical English dish and we loved it. 

We also went to Jamie Oliver's Italian restaurant in Cambrigde. Delicious food.

                                                     Having an italian meal at Jamie's


We also liked Nando's, a Portuguese restaurant. We enjoyed both places and we also recommend the food.
                                         Having dinner at Nando's in Cambridge

This trip was very different from others that we had gone on because it combined English classes with sightseeing and short trips. It was unforgettable. For one week in July English classes were in the morning from 9 12h30 and the rest of the day was to visit Cambridge.

We also visited Norwich, Bury Saint Edmund’s, and London.
Very wet at Bury St Edmund's

It rained a lot in London as well

The week was fantastic and all the group felt that time had passed very quickly. It was always a party.   It was excellent to learn English, to see different places, to live together, to laugh, to relax.

The Cam River in Cambridge - the Bridge of Sighs

We loved this trip and we hope to return again. For us, travelling is very nice and we are always ready to go. (by Margarida, A2 level, Adult group.)